Community Guidelines

We're excited for you to join our community of learners, coaches, partners, digital success managers, industry professionals and employers working together to build your skills, your networks and your experience to help you get the job of your dreams.

Community rules and guidelines

Be kind and courteous.

Let's put the spotlight on our shared values and leave the drama behind.

We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment! Healthy debates are natural but biting tones of voice only make things worse for everyone. Kindness wins every time.

Don't spam. Don't harass.

You know if you are hurting the community.
We expect you to be a respectful participant in our community. You may not attack someone or post something inappropriate, or be rude and aggressive towards other members of the community! This includes anything that disrupts this space for everyone - misinformation will not fly here either so stay on topic if possible.

Don't solicit business.

It is strictly forbidden to solicit business, either publicly in the group or through private messages. The community admins and moderators reserve the right to delete any posts that solicit business and will review to remove the partner group who solicit business publicly or in DMs.

Be relevant. We're here to become better at community building.

This is a place for community builders like you. We want to help make sure that you are successful with Bettermode and customer-led growth. Posting content not pertaining directly towards these learning goals will get deleted as soon as they appear.


There is no place for illegal or profane content in our community. We also do not allow spamming or intimidating behavior towards other members of the Bettermode community.
Member accounts might be shut down without warning for posting threatening messages as well!
There are five ways you can make sure your post doesn't break these rules:

  1. Read through them carefully before posting anything

  2. Don't do anything illegal

  3. Don't threaten, harass, or bully anyone

  4. Check if there's another thread associated with what it relates too

  5. Make sure personal information has not been shared